“Who will read this? I don’t think people care that much about the royal family.” A devastated Katharine McGee took the manuscript from her agent and put it aside. For six years. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is a good idea,” she thought. In the meantime, the Princeton/Stanford grad plugged away at…
Category: Books and Authors
In this section of the blog, readers will discover posts about books and authors. You’ll find book reviews, book recommendations, and interviews with authors.
RJ Jacobs – Mystery Author and Clinical Psychologist
A few years ago, while conducting research for his first book, RJ Jacobs reached out to a virologist at Vanderbilt University. She and her lab colleagues studied viruses and the diseases they caused. “We’re currently investigating a strain of the coronavirus,” she said during their interview. RJ, and most of the rest of the world,…
Chris Crowley – Younger Next Year
At an Aspen dinner party, martini in hand, Chris Crowley chatted with an Exercise Science and Muscle Physiology researcher. This PhD showed Chris a graph of normal aging patterns in our country. According to the data, after age fifty, people tend to gain weight, move slower, and develop aches and pain. One man represented on…
Fiona Davis – Historical Fiction Author
“Be open to hard swerves in your career—or life,” advises Fiona Davis. “Those detours may add up to discovering a truly fulfilling passion.” With four books on the bestseller charts in the last four years, Fiona’s fifth historical fiction novel is due out in July. One of my favorite authors, Fiona takes an iconic New…
Kathy Schultenover – Book Club Enthusiast
One of the things I missed most about leaving Houston was my monthly book club meeting. Our group was much more than lively conversation, often on topics far beyond the book we were meeting to discuss. Book club prompted me to read books I might not otherwise choose and to explore issues I may not dig…